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Check Ups and Cleans

At Glebe Point Dental, we’re committed to ensuring that our patients maintain optimal oral health through our comprehensive routine dental checkups, cleaning services and general dental procedures. Our approach combines advanced dental technology with personalised care to prevent dental diseases and promote overall wellness.


Our boutique dental practice has served the Glebe community with quality dental care for over 35 years, offering outstanding work and personalised care to a diverse client base.

Understanding the importance of regular dental visits


Dental hygiene is an essential aspect of general health and well-being. From your teeth to your gums and internal tooth pulp, what goes on inside your mouth plays a major role in how you look, feel and function. Routine dental checkups and cleaning procedures are the best way to avoid bad breath, dental diseases and gingivitis and promote sustainable dental health.


Early detection means easier and less costly treatments. Our dental professionals at Glebe Point Dental use these opportunities to thoroughly assess your oral health, ensuring any signs of trouble are addressed promptly.

Image by Omar Lopez

What to expect during your dental checkup


When it comes to your teeth, prevention is always better than cure. Visiting your dentist for a routine dental checkup and cleaning helps prevent plaque buildup and identify oral health issues before they get out of hand.


Our routine dental checkups include several key components:


1. Oral examination — First, one of our experienced dentists will examine your teeth, gums and mouth, looking for any signs of decay, gum disease or other oral health issues. This includes digital X-rays when necessary to view below the surface of your gums, identifying hidden problems such as impacted teeth or jawbone issues. 


2. Plaque and tartar removal — Even with regular brushing and flossing, plaque and tartar can develop. Our dental hygienists use specialised instruments to remove these deposits without harming your teeth or gums, preventing various diseases and saving you the cost of more significant long-term oral health issues. 


3. Teeth cleaning — After tartar removal, your teeth are professionally polished to remove surface stains and maintain good oral health. While everyday cleaning is important, we provide deeper teeth cleaning to maximise results. We use high-quality, non-abrasive polishing agents that leave your teeth smooth and shiny.

4. Personalised oral hygiene advice — Our team will provide tailored advice based on your dental needs to ensure you maintain oral health after your appointment. This includes recommendations on improving your brushing and flossing techniques and suggestions for oral hygiene products.


Dental hygiene is important in other bodily systems and processes and your mouth's look, feel and function. Your dental health can affect your overall health, so keeping it in check is essential. 


Catering to all ages


At Glebe Point Dental, we understand oral health needs at various life stages. From young children just starting to learn about dental care to older adults facing age-related dental issues, our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of every age group.

Setting a higher standard

Our commitment to excellence in oral care is evident in every aspect of our practice. From the moment you enter our clinic, you’ll be greeted by our friendly staff dedicated to making your visit as comfortable and efficient as possible. We pride ourselves on our punctuality and ability to provide a calming, stress-free environment, particularly for patients who might get anxious about attending their routine dental checkup.

Don’t wait to get the periodontal care you need

The best way to treat gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) is to stop it before it starts or when it’s still in the earliest stages.


Reach out to Glebe Point Dental today for a checkup to make sure your gums are in good health. 


We are an independent boutique practice providing expert dental care and proudly supporting the Glebe community for 35 years. We offer emergency appointments and always welcome new patients! 

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